The oil condition sensor is designed to control the temperature, level and degree of oil contamination.
If the oil level is too low, a signal is transmitted to the instrument cluster to inform the driver.
The total sensor signal is a repeating trio of width-modulated rectangular pulses A, B and C with a height of 5 volts. The duration of each of the pulses expresses the state of the controlled parameter. The duration of the period T assigned to each pulse is a constant value. The percentage of the pulse duration and the duration of the period T is the signal information code (pic. VN 9.030).
VN 9.028 1. Combined sensor for level, temperature and oil condition B 40; 2. Screw
VN 9.029 Oil condition sensor. Design:; 1. Oil temperature sensor; 2. BW oil condition sensor; h. The oil level measuring interval is 80 mm (± 40 mm), measurement error is±3mm; Min. The lower limit of the measuring interval of the oil level; Max. Upper limit of oil level measuring range
VN 9.030 Oil condition sensor signals; 1. The ratio of the pulse duration and the duration of the period T is in the range from 20% to 80%:; A. The oil temperature is within the normal range; B. The oil level is within the normal range; C. The degree of contamination of the oil is within the normal range; 2. The ratio of the pulse duration and the duration of the period T is more than 80%:; A. Oil temperature above +160°C; B. The oil level is more than 80 mm too high; C. The degree of contamination of the oil corresponds to a quality oil; 3. The ratio of the pulse duration and the duration of the period T is less than 20%:; A. Oil temperature below -40°C; B. The oil level is below the minimum mark; C. The degree of contamination of the oil is high
The sensor information is transmitted to the N3/9 engine control unit, where it is converted into a format suitable for transmission over the CAN·multiplex network.
Malfunctions that occur in the sensor are determined by the N3/9 engine control unit and are recorded in the failure memory.
Tightening torques for threaded connections
Screw for securing the oil level sensor to the oil pan - 14 Nm.
Stabilizer bracket screw or nut - 30 Nm.