Tailgate installation details
1 - Trunk opening handle; 2, 3 - Bolts; 4, 5 - Loops of fastening of a luggage carrier; 6 - Trunk; 7 - Wiring; 8 - Pneumatic pipeline
Longitudinal adjustment
1. Loosen the luggage carrier hinge bolts on the left and right.
2. Loosen the bolts 10 securing the tongue 11 of the trunk.
3. Screw in the rubber buffers on the left and right by 1.5 turns.
4. Adjust the position of the carrier so that the rear edge of the carrier is flush with the rear fender.
5. Tighten bolts of fastening of loops of a luggage carrier the moment of 10 Nm.
6. Adjust tongue (11) so that the trunk is completely closed. Tighten the bolts (10) tongue fasteners (11) torque 10 Nm.
Height adjustment
1. Adjust the front edge of the rack so that the outer edge of the rack is flush with the rear fender.
2. Loosen the bolts (2) And (3) lids (7).
3. Close the trunk and push it in until the top edge of the trunk is flush with the rear fender.
4. Adjust the position of the trunk so that it closes completely. Tighten the cover bolts (7) torque 10 Nm.