Sequence of work
1. To adjust length setting loosen the tightening torque of the bolts securing the hood to the hinges.
2. Move the hood to the desired side. To avoid scratching painted surfaces, place a cloth under the corners of the hood on the windshield side.
3. Lateral adjustment carried out by carefully bending the loops.
4. If this does not help, correct the installation of the hood.
Pic. 11.3. Retainer (1) on the cross member and the locking clip on the bonnet must fit neatly into each other when closing. To adjust the height of the hood, turn the bolts (2) mounting rubber buffers in the appropriate direction. Use a suitable plastic mass to check the gap (plasticine, putty)
5. To adjust height settings screw or unscrew the rubber buffers 2 (pic. 11.3) on the front cross member so that the edges of the hood are flush with the top edges of the fenders.
Pic. 11.4. To adjust the shackle (1) lock on the hood loosen the tightening torque of the locknut (2) and rotate the bracket in the desired direction
6. If the lock latches do not fit neatly into the hood brackets or opening the hood is noticeably difficult, adjust the height of the brackets. To do this, loosen the tightening torque of the locknut 2 (pic. 11.4) and rotate the brackets in the desired direction, achieving the desired installation.