1. Lubricate the threads, then insert the tappet ball pin into the cylinder head and tighten it.
2. Install the lower spring seats and seals over the valve guides. On the M 110 engine, both intake and exhaust valves are fitted with spring seals, while on the M 123 engine, the exhaust valves are fitted with hard seals.
3. Lubricate the valve stem seals and press them onto the guide bushings.
4. Lubricate the valve stems and insert the valves into their respective bushings.
5. Alternately install the valve spring (springs) and her plate on the valves, compress the spring (springs) special tool and insert cut crackers. Remove the fixture. Tap the end of the valve stem with a wooden mallet to seat the crackers in place.
6. Install the pressure pads on top of the valves.